Teledigm Viewpoints
THE SUMMIT 2022 - Why We Are Reimagining Rural Healthcare
The healthcare landscape has drastically shifted over the last three years. Many challenges lie ahead for hospitals and clinics. Facilities located in rural areas will face mounting pressures to serve their communities. To provide hospitals with additional support, Teledigm Health and Bryan Telemedicine are hosting The Summit 2022 in October. This annual conference will bring together experts in healthcare and technology to reimagine rural healthcare.
The IT of Things: Building Technology Infrastructure for Modern Healthcare
With hospital cyber-attacks on the rise, it’s more important than ever for hospitals to review their technology infrastructure and security. IT is vital for rural health, and not just because of the security of patient information. Technology improves efficiencies, the patient experience, and communication throughout the organization.
Telemedicine Pays Off for Rural Hospitals
The integration of digital healthcare continues to accelerate within our modern world given its convenience and efficiency while still maintaining care quality. But what does telemedicine deliver for your financial bottom line and how can it demonstrate long term benefits?
5 Ways Telemedicine is Improving Rural Hospitals
Having worked in healthcare operations for over 13 years, I’ve seen how rapidly the industry landscape can change. Some changes bring incredible progress for hospitals, and others create tough challenges. Recent events have been the most difficult for providers that I’ve seen since the beginning of my career.
Telehealth vs. Telemedicine
Telehealth and telemedicine – these terms get thrown around a lot in modern healthcare. They sound very similar and often used interchangeably to refer to digital healthcare. But is there a difference, and more importantly, does it matter when discussing virtual care services with your team and patients?
Finding Your Way in the Future of Healthcare
Since COVID-19 shifted the healthcare landscape, telemedicine has been brought to the forefront, and with it many opportunities and challenges. Most importantly, the onslaught of competition for rural healthcare providers with newly sought after virtual care services.