Teledigm Health Expands Services Transforming Access to Care

(Lincoln, NE, November 24, 2020)  –  Teledigm Health was created to be agile, adapting to changing healthcare needs by providing access to world-class healthcare through telemedicine. Through specialized services and provider offerings, Teledigm Health continues to drive innovation through expanded service lines with a connection to a deep bench of providers and specialists, so you have a cost-effective, customized solution for your hospital and community.

“Teledigm Health is constantly striving to improve and provide more services to organizations, providers and patients,” says Teledigm Health Co-Founder, President and CEO Brian J. Bossard, MD. “The way we present ourselves is extremely important. As part of evolving our business, we are very excited to roll out our new branding, as it reflects our mission of transforming connections in medicine to provide exceptional care.”

Teledigm Health in partnership with Bryan Enterprises is the managing partner for Bryan Telemedicine. The focus at the inception was to offer solutions that provided access to desirable services. Today, Teledigm Health sets the industry standard in telemedicine providing a deep bench of clinical staffing resources, focus on sustainability, and a drive of innovation and technical support focused on rural sites.

It has continued to grow and change, and the organization now offers over 140 services for telemedicine, including outpatient specialty services, inpatient services, acute care, e-Pharmacy, and more. While patients remain the main focus of Teledigm Health, services now reach beyond medical care.

“We also offer support for healthcare enterprises,“ explains Shane Fleming, Co-Founder, COO of Teledigm Health and Bryan Telemedicine. “That includes services such as human resources management and nutrition specialty services. Through these programs, we hope to help facilities reduce overhead while providing even more services locally.”

It is only logical that Teledigm Health’s look will change with its expansion of services. “Our new look is clean, confident and very recognizable,” says Bossard. “It represents our focus on the future of our company, upward advancement and the continuing expansion of services that transform the way people connect to innovative care.”



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